Code of Ethics

1. Application of the Code

1.1 The board of directors of Turn Left Media Proprietary Limited ("Turn Left" or "the Company") has adopted this Code of Ethics ("Code") to guide the actions of all directors, officers and employees in the Company.

1.2. This Code has been prepared to deter unethical conduct within the Company, promote the fulfilment of the Company's stated values, and demonstrate Turn Left’s commitment to an open working environment based on accountability and integrity.

1.3. We encourage all Turn Left stakeholders to embrace the values and standards contained in this Code, uphold these daily, and strive to continue building an ethical corporate culture.

2. Core Values and Ethical Standards

2.1. Represent Turn Left with integrity, honesty and respect for others

Act courteously, respectfully, and objectively in your interactions with fellow employees, directors, and external stakeholders. Consider and respect the views of others and communicate honestly within the Company and with external parties.

2.2.Comply with laws, rules and regulations.

Turn Left is committed to awareness of and compliance with the spirit and content of the laws, rules and regulations applicable in the communities in which we operate. Give such standards their due regard and do not hesitate to ask for assistance from management in case of doubt as to applicable law.

2.3.Be accountable

Exercise care, skill, due diligence and good faith in performing your duties and functions and maintain accurate records of activities performed in your capacity as a Turn Left representative.

2.4. Maximise positive impact

2.4.1. Deliver on your promises and ensure that this goal is a driving force in your actions.
2.4.2. Perform all duties and functions with initiative and purpose.
2.4.3. Act to positively impact the companies that Turn Left assists.

2.5. Be transparent

Be prepared to take responsibility for your work and the results. Report responsibly, fully, and honestly to stakeholders when required.

2.6. Preserve confidentiality

2.6.1. All information, intellectual property or data relating to the company must be used only for the performance of your duties and must not be disclosed or communicated to persons outside Turn Left unless such information is already in the public domain or is required to be disclosed by law or court order.
2.6.2. Do not use confidential information for unauthorised purposes and take reasonable care to protect it against loss, theft, unauthorised access, alteration, or misuse.
2.6.3. Always approach management in instances of uncertainty.

2.7. Avoid Conflicts of Interest

2.7.1. Always act in the best interests of Turn Left.
2.7.2. Avoid any situation where your interests, or those you represent, conflict or could conflict with your obligations towards Turn Left (a "Conflict of Interest" is described in more detail in Appendix 1, paragraph 2).
2.7.3. Before agreeing to sit on the board of directors of any other business corporation, the written consent of Turn Left's board of directors (the "Board") must be obtained.
2.7.4. The Conflict-of-Interest Policy, attached as Appendix 1, must deal with any perceived or actual conflict of interest.
2.7.5. Disclose any information that may benefit Turn Left in the ordinary course of business.

2.8. Report any unethical behaviour

For further compliance with this Code, as well as to build trust, accountability and transparency within Turn Left, if any person should know of any conduct which contravenes the spirit or content of this Code, please forward such details anonymously to Celeste Blake (email: (“Celeste”) or Marius Greeff (email: (“Marius”).

3. Compliance

3.1.Recognising that Turn Left's public reputation is one of our most important assets, we are committed to implementing and enforcing this Code in case of any material breach of its terms.

3.2.Celeste and Marius have been delegated the responsibility to administer and apply this Code. If Celeste and Marius have reasonable cause to believe that any director, employee,
or officer has failed to comply with this Code, the details of such contravention will be
forwarded to the Board, who shall take any action as they deem appropriate in the circumstances.
